Call for Papers

The CPR LATAM conference brings together academics, civil society, and public and private sector leaders from across Latin America and the Caribbean to discuss the key issues facing the development of digital infrastructure and information ecosystems in the region.

CPR LATAM invites paper and panel proposals that address the economic and social impacts of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), public policies and regulatory design in Latin America and the Caribbean.

To apply, it is required to submit an abstract of a conference paper or a full paper with original and unpublished results authored by the applicant alone or jointly. A committee of specialists in the topic of digital policies will evaluate the submissions.

Topics and Panels

The 2024 edition of CPR LATAM will focus on sensitive issues related to policy and regulation of the digital ecosystem in Latin America, with emphasis not only on diagnoses but also on potential solutions in terms of public policy and regulatory development. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

      • AI Impact, Policy and Regulation
      • Data for Development (D4D)
      • Digital Divide
      • Digital Policy for Development (ICT4D)
      • Digital Services and Personal Data
      • Protection
      • Digital Markets Taxation
      • Competition Policy in the Digital
      • Ecosystem
      • Gender Issues in the Digital Ecosystem
      • Innovation-driven ICT Policy and
      • Regulation
      • Online Freedom of Expression
      • Privacy and Surveillance
      • Social and Economic impact of the Digital Ecosystem