August 15th, 2024  |  Brasilia, Brazil


Communications Policy Research Latin America (CPR LATAM) began as a cross-disciplinary academic network of research centers which sought to advance knowledge on the social, economic and political impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Americas.

Now as an annual international forum, CPR LATAM promotes the exchange of best practices and ideas around ICT policy in the region, examines specific cases of public-private partnerships for digital inclusion, and educates key stakeholders about the importance of investing in the modernization of ICT networks for sustainable development.

The CPR LATAM conference is an annual event that fosters exchange between relevant industry stakeholders to promote ICT development in Latin America.

In previous years, the conference has been held in Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Brasilia, Lima, Valparaiso, Oaxaca, Cancun, Cartagena, Varadero and Cordoba.

The 2024 edition will be held in Brasilia.

“When we look across the globe, and we look at internet use, adoption and benefits… having a fact-based conversation will move the needle.”
— Robert Pepper, VP of Global Connectivity and Technology Policy at Facebook, Keynote 2019

Keynotes Speakers

Prof. Christopher Yoo

John H. Chestnut Professor of Law, Communication, and Computer & Information Science; Founding Director, Center for Technology, Innovation and Competition, University of Pennsylvania Law School.

Christopher Yoo has emerged as one of the nation’s leading authorities on law and technology. His research focuses on how economic theories of imperfect competition are transforming the regulation of the Internet and other forms of electronic communications. He has been a leading voice in the “network neutrality” debate that has dominated Internet policy over the past several years. He is also pursuing research on copyright theory as well as the history of presidential power. He is the author (with Daniel F. Spulber) of Networks in Telecommunications: Economics and Law (Cambridge, 2009) and (with Steven G. Calabresi) of The Unitary Executive: Presidential Power from Washington to Bush (Yale, 2008). Yoo testifies frequently before Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commission.

Prof. Alexandre Freire

President of the Superior Council of the Center for Advanced Studies in Digital Communication and Technological Innovation – CEADI/ANATEL, President of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Committee of ANATEL (C-INT). Member of the National Commission for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN Agenda 2030.

Alexandre Freire is a Visiting Scholar at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main’s Faculty of Law, holds a PhD in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), a Master’s degree in Law from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), and a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA).
He has served as a legal advisor to a Justice of the Supreme Federal Court (STF), special advisor to the presidency of the STF, Secretary of Advanced Studies, Research and Information Management of the STF, parliamentary advisor to the presidency of the Joint Committee on Plans, Public Budgets and Supervision of the National Congress, coordinator of Social Policies of the sub-chief for legal affairs of the Presidential Civil House, deputy sub-chief of the sub-chief for legal affairs of the Presidential Civil House (in substitution), and advisor to the sub-chief for legal affairs of the Presidential Civil House. At the National Council of Justice (CNJ), he is a member of the Executive Committee of the Conciliation Commission and the National Network for Judicial Cooperation. He is a professor at IDP (Brasília).

Organizing Committee

Marcio Iorio Aranha (Chair)

School of Law
University of Brasilia (UnB)

Hernán Galperin

USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism
University of Southern California (USC)

Judith Mariscal

Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)

Raúl Katz

Division of Finance and Economics
Columbia Business School (CBS)



In 2024, the CPR LATAM will take place at the Brasilia Palace.
  Address: SHTN Trecho 01 Conjunto 01, North Hotels and Tourism Sector, Brasilia, Brazil.


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